Recently we discussed how Colorado law enforcement is ramping up enforcement of DUIs in Colorado for alcohol under the Heat is on Campaign. Well, in March of 2014, the Colorado Department of Transportation is starting a new campaign aimed at stoned drivers called “Drive High, Get a DUI.” CDOT is allocating $430,000 on a media […]
A little while ago, our firm presented a blog post regarding the upcoming changes to DUI law in Colorado. These changes are going into effect on January 1, 2014. While that post addressed the changes that will occur, we have received several questions on how these changes will affect our clients. Overall the change in law […]
Do people get pulled over for DUI? People usually do not get pulled over for DUI specifically. The police may suspect that a driver is under the influence based on the way he is driving. But, the police must have reasonable suspicion that an independent infraction occurred to stop, or “pull over”, any motorist. This […]