At Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, LLC we are there for our clients during their times of need. We understand that in most cases, when our clients are seeking our assistance for family legal issues and representation, their lives are changing dramatically and it may be a very confusing time for them. We help our clients realize their desired legal goals as well as assist them in understanding that they must put their differences behind them for the best possible outcome.

While it is our goal to avoid litigation in family disputes, we are prepared to use our experience should these often adversarial proceedings occur. Contact us at (720) 863-7755 to see how we can help you with your case today.

Cases We Handle


In Colorado, as in other states, adoption of a child is a very involved and sometimes complicated process. At the law office of Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, we have experience representing clients in all family law matters. Having a Colorado family law attorney on your side is crucial when you are thinking of a child’s best interest.


When faced with all the dramatic life changes that divorce brings, we help our clients get the financial support they need if they are dependent on their spouse, or minimize their outlay if they are the bread winner.

Child Custody

We will help our clients get the parenting time they are entitled to, and ensure that the child’s needs are met and standard of living is maintained.

Child Support

Child support is the payment by one parent to the other parent for the support of their common child. Both parents are legally required to support their minor children. These payments cannot be bargained away. Courts consider additional factors such as: financial resources of the child, financial resources of the custodial parent, and child’s standard of living, among other factors. It is important to seek legal counsel to ensure your child receives the financial support he or she deserves.

Common Law Marriage

The state of Colorado recognizes Common Law Marriage, however, if legal questions about the “marriage” arise, it is important to have a Colorado family law attorney help you with the legal issues. At Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, we have experience representing clients in all family law matters, including common law marriages.


We are there to help our clients through this stressful time with as little discomfort as possible and there to assist them in obtaining their fair share of the marital assets. Our goal is to keep our clients informed and help them move on with their lives.

Grandparents’ Rights

Under Colorado law, a grandparent has the right to see their grandchildren, albeit only in certain situations. At the law office of Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, we have experience representing clients in all family law matters, including grandparent visitation rights.


In Colorado, a paternity action is governed by the Uniform Parentage Act. At the law office of Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, we have experience representing clients in all family law matters, including paternity issues.

Pre-Nuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements

A pre-nuptial agreement is a contract made before marriage that contains the terms of division of property or spousal support in case of a divorce. If one party does not fully disclose their financial assets and liabilities to the other party entering into a pre-nuptial agreement, a court may refuse to enforce the agreement. Post-nuptial agreements on the other hand are made after a marriage has already been entered into. It is important that you find an attorney that can help determine whether these agreements are enforceable.

Protection Orders

When you find yourself or your child being threatened by another individual, whether family related or not, you can consider appealing to the courts for a protection (restraining) order. At the law office of Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, we have experience bringing protection orders against and defending individuals from all types of protection orders.