In April, the district attorneys for Arapahoe County filed first-degree murder charges against Ever Olivos-Gutierrez. The charges stemmed from a March 24th car accident that resulted in the death of 17-year-old Juan Carlos Dominguez-Palomino. The case caught media attention across Colorado due to the fact that Olivos-Gutierrez never had a Colorado driver’s license, is allegedly […]
The Colorado Legislative session ended earlier this month, and the State Senate failed to pass a bipartisan bill that could have upgraded repeated DUI’s from misdemeanors to felonies. Under the proposed bill, either a third DUI within a five year span or a fourth DUI within a 15 year span would be a class 4 […]
Mandatory Jail Sentences for a DUI/DWAI in Colorado Under Colorado Revised Statute § 42-4-1301, any person convicted of DUI commits a misdemeanor while any person convicted of DWAI commits a class A traffic infraction. In Colorado, the maximum penalty for any misdemeanor is a fine for $1000 and up to one year in jail. While […]
The Colorado State Patrol recently reported that there were 315 DUI arrests in Colorado over Super Bowl weekend. This was actually down from last year’s Super Bowl weekend arrest total of 431 DUI arrests. The statistics show what all Coloradans were already aware of: the Broncos’ performance was nothing to celebrate. The recent press release […]
When you are pulled over for drinking and driving, you will not be dealing with just one case but potentially up to three different cases in three different jurisdictions. Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol (DUI) and Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI) are cases in County Court. You will also be subject to […]
On February 21st, 2013 the House Judiciary Committee voted unanimously in favor of House Bill 13-1214. This Bill will modify the charge for repeat DUI offenders who would have received a misdemeanor, and will now receive felony charges. “Colorado is one of just five states left with no felony DUI law, so you can be […]