In Colorado, a paternity action is governed by the Uniform Parentage Act. At the law office of Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, we have experience representing clients in all family law matters, including paternity issues. Having a Colorado family law attorney on your side is crucial when you are thinking of the child’s best interest. Call us at (720) 863-7755 for a free consultation to see how we can help you today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who can bring a paternity action?
A: A child, or guardian ad litem of the child, the child’s natural mother, or her representative if she has since died, a man alleging he is the father, a presumed father, or the child support enforcement agency.

Q: Does the court use DNA to determine paternity?
A: Yes, and in most cases, the court will order a DNA test if paternity is in dispute. The cost of the test is usually between $90 to $250.

Q: What if the father is claiming he is not the father?
A: You can either contact the county’s Department of Social Services, or contact the Law Office of Peter Loyd Weber and Associates. We can help you bring a case against him naming him as the father and asking for child support.

Q: What if the mother claims I am not the father?
A: You can either contact the county’s Department of Social Services, or contact the Law Office of Peter Loyd Weber and Associates. We can help you bring a case to establish your paternity of the child.

Q: If paternity is determined, does the father automatically get custody of the child?
A: No, determining paternity is not conclusive to a finding that the father should receive parenting time with the child. The court determines parental time allocation depending on the best interests of the child.