In any competent estate plan, an advanced medical directive of some sort is essential. Further, while you may believe that your loved ones know what you want to happen in any given circumstance, it can put your family and friends at ease knowing they are complying with your wishes. At Peter Loyd Weber & Associates, we are here to ensure that your desires will be adhered to by family, loved ones, the government, and a court of law. Please read below all of the types of Advanced Directives we can help you formulate. Give us a call today to take an important step in planning for your future at 720-863-7755.
Types of Advanced Medical Directives We Can Create For You
Living Wills / Advanced Directives
A living will is a type of written document that specifies in advance the choices you would make if you were in an end of life condition or a “persistent vegetative state.” You can state in the document what you would prefer to happen if these unfortunate circumstances existed. While these types of decisions are quite difficult to contemplate and actually make, the decision can be made over time without the stress of actually being in the situation, or creating a situation where your family must decide what they think you would want.
Durable Power of Attorney
There are two basic types of a Durable Power of Attorney. One type has to do with financial and legal protection, the other typically has to do with health care decisions. You can name almost any individual you would like, as long as they are over the age of 18. You can even name multiple individuals, but this is advisable only if you believe they could work properly together to protect your choices and best interests. It is called a “durable” power of attorney because even though you may become incapacitated, the individual named can still be your power of attorney. Without the “durable,” once you would be incapacitated, the power of attorney could automatically be revoked.
DNRO (Do Not Resuscitate Order)
This is a document that is typically signed when an individual is already in the hospital. If you would choose to sign this type of document outside of a hospital setting, it is imperative to have this at the ready in case of an emergency. Emergency Medical Technicians must always administer life saving techniques unless they can actually have this document in their hands.
Bodily Remains Decisions
It is possible to write in a will your wishes for how you would choose your bodily remains to be taken care of. These types of choices could include organ donation, and whether to bury or cremate. Making these decisions is never easy, but making it easier on your family is a thoughtful and caring decision.