The Colorado State Patrol recently reported that there were 315 DUI arrests in Colorado over Super Bowl weekend. This was actually down from last year’s Super Bowl weekend arrest total of 431 DUI arrests. The statistics show what all Coloradans were already aware of: the Broncos’ performance was nothing to celebrate.
The recent press release and reported arrests is part of Colorado law enforcement’s “The Heat is On”campaign. This statewide program targets twelve “high drinking” holidays and increases the amount of police officers and DUI check points around the entire state of Colorado during those time periods. The program is largely paid for by the hefty fines levied against people convicted of DUI offenses. In 2012, there were almost 10,000 DUI arrests resulting solely from The Heat is On campaign. Other parts of the program include education by a smart phone app which calculates a person’s BAC and can assist in hailing a cab for him or her (available for both iPhone and Android).
However, many people argue that Colorado isn’t doing enough to penalize people convicted of DUI. In response, Colorado lawmakers introduced a bill in the Colorado legislature this session that would create tougher penalties for multiple DUI offenders in Colorado. Right now, Colorado is one of only six states where every DUI is a misdemeanor, no matter how many previous DUIs the person has. The proposed bill would make a third DUI within seven years, or the fourth DUI within a lifetime, a felony. Currently, there are mandatory minimum sentences for multiple DUI offenders, including 60 days in jail for a third DUI, and a maximum of one year in jail. If convicted under the new proposed law as a multiple offender, a person could be sentenced up to six years in prison and have the life changing implications of being a convicted felon.
All of this points to the fact that DUIs in Colorado can result in incredibly serious consequences, and the ramifications can last a life time. If you have been charged with DUI, it’s important that you seek an experienced attorney who knows how to fight for the best possible outcome. Call the attorneys at Peter Loyd Weber and Associates today at (720)863-7755 for a FREE consultation so we can start working for you and your case.