Resuming Colorado Marijuana DUIs: FAQs (Pt. 1), here, we’ll continue responding to some common questions people have about these specific types of drunk driving cases.
Colorado Marijuana DUIs: More Answers
Q – How soon do police have to administer blood tests for Colorado marijuana DUIs?

Are you wondering how blood test refusals can impact Colorado marijuana DUIs? If so, check out these FAQs. And contact us for the strongest DUI defense.
A – At this point, there are not laws in place dictating how soon blood testing for Colorado marijuana DUIs has to be administered after traffic stops.
Just to give you a point of reference, for alcohol DUIs, officers have to administer BAC testing within two hours of pulling motorists over. Although lawmakers may soon put time limits into statutes, it’s unclear at this point what would be a reasonable time frame.
Q – Can I refuse to submit to these blood tests?
A – Yes. However, you should be aware that refusals to submit to blood tests during traffic stops associated with suspected drugged driving may lead to a suspension of your driving privileges. In fact, when it comes to blood test refusals and Colorado marijuana DUIs, here’s what you should generally know:
- Administrative penalties – including drivers’ license suspensions – are not automatic for Colorado marijuana DUIs.
- This is different from alcohol DUIs, with which these refusals DO result in automatic suspensions (with the length of the suspension hinging on whether drivers have prior DUIs).
Q – What about field sobriety tests? Should I submit to these tests during stops for Colorado marijuana DUIs?
A – Not if you think you will “fail” them. In fact, with field sobriety tests for any type of DUI-related stop:
- Refusals to submit to these tests will not result in any automatic penalties, though refusals can serve as probable cause for cops to request blood tests from motorists.
- How these tests are administered and evaluated is generally not consistent. What’s more is that these tests are usually pitted against drivers in that drivers will be marked down for making errors/mistakes but they won’t get credit for doing things right (putting drivers at a disadvantage).
Given that the results of field sobriety testing can be used against motorists in DUI cases, not giving prosecutors more potential evidence against you by refusing to submit to such testing can be in your best interests.
You can get some more answers regarding Colorado marijuana DUIs in the upcoming conclusion to this blog series – don’t miss it! Or simply contact us for answers to all of your questions about Colorado marijuana DUIs.
Adams County and Boulder DUI Attorneys at Peter Loyd Weber & Associates
Have you or a loved one been charged with drunk or drugged driving? If so, the Adams County and Boulder DUI attorneys at Peter Loyd Weber & Associates are ready to immediately start defending you.
To talk about your defense and how we can help you, call us today at (720) 863-7755 or email us using the contact form on this page. We offer complimentary consultations, and we take pride in always being available to our clients – 24 hours per day, 7 days per week – so that they have the personal attention their case deserves.
From our offices based in Northglenn, Broomfield and Boulder, we provide the strongest defense and highest quality legal services to our clients throughout Weld County, Adams County and the state of Colorado.