On January 1st, 2014, new guidelines for spousal maintenance (sometimes known as alimony or spousal support) went into effect after being passed by the Colorado legislature in 2013. The maintenance guidelines attempted to make maintenance more like temporary maintenance and child support that use basic spreadsheets that make the monetary amounts universal based on the […]
Most people that go through a divorce are surprised at how long and nasty of a process it can turn into. People may rationalize that getting a divorce will be similar to breaking up with their college sweet heart; there will be some tears, but it will be over quickly and the two people will […]
In 2011, the Colorado Legislature passed the Colorado Civil Union Act which allows same-sex couples to enter into a civil union together. The law allows same-sex couples to enter into a legal relationship as close to marriage as possible without the relationship being called a marriage in that the Colorado Constitution specifically bans same-sex marriage. […]
Ask five different people what common law marriage is and how long it takes to be in one, and you will get six different answers. This is especially true if you ask people from around the country. All over the U.S., each state has different time frames and requirements before a couple can be considered […]
After initiating a divorce or a child custody dispute, there will come a time that the court asks if the parties can come to an agreement on their own, would like to try mediation, or would have to go to a trial/hearing. If the parties cannot work out a settlement on their own, it is […]
It’s almost as if we cannot get away from it. Social media is everywhere these days. Either you are on it, or your family is, or your friends are, but someone you know is definitely using social media. And that can be okay, just not in certain situations. One situation to stay away from social […]
On January 1, 2014 Colorado’s spousal “maintenance” law will change from its current form. What is traditionally known as alimony, in Colorado it is called “maintenance,” or more precisely, the Spousal Maintenance Act. Whatever the terminology, the word has always meant: money that one spouse pays to a former spouse for a period of time […]