How to Survive a Trip to a Dive Bar
September 26, 2017

Toby Keith’s famous, twangy 2003 song “I Love This Bar” is about a mythical water hole frequented by yuppies, bikers, thirsty hitchhikers, pretty girls, fist fighters, early birds, and all-nighters, who drink beer from mason jars. Well, whether you live in a small rural town, or been to Denver’s Coyote Ugly or Tilted Kilt, you […]

DUI Defense 101: What to Do after a DUI Arrest
January 4, 2017

A DUI arrest can be upsetting, frustrating and maybe even embarrassing. Although it can be easy to feel alone – and like the world is against you – after you’re arrested for a DUI, please remember that: You have rights, and you are innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law. An arrest […]

What Happens after I Have Missed a DUI Court Date?
August 18, 2016

Missing a court date for your DUI case can have a number of consequences. Understanding what these can be – and what you can do to mitigate them – can be the key to avoiding additional challenges and penalties. And that, in turn, can be integral to bringing your DUI case to the best possible […]

Are There Alternative Penalties for Colorado DUIs?
July 31, 2016

Yes, alternative penalties and sentencing can be available in some DUI cases, depending on the circumstances of that case (as well as a driver’s criminal record). When available, these alternatives can significantly reduce the impacts of DUI penalties, potentially allowing people to save money, time and stress in resolving their DUI cases. Below, we have […]

DUI Plea Deals in Colorado: 4 Crucial Facts to Understand
May 3, 2016

When facing DUI charges (or other criminal charges), it may be possible for the accused to work out plea deals with prosecutors – depending, of course, on the specifics of the case and the criminal record of the accused. In the event DUI plea deals are an option, here are some of the most important […]

Will I Lose My Driver’s License after a DUI Arrest in Colorado?
February 6, 2016

Whether your license will be suspended after a drunk driving arrest in Colorado will depend on the circumstances of your DUI stop – and what you do following your arrest. When DUI Arrests Result in Drivers’ License Suspensions When motorists refuse to submit to blood alcohol content (BAC) testing during the DUI stop – These […]

Colorado DUI Costs: Here’s How Much a DUI Can Cost You (Pt. 3)
February 24, 2015

Concluding our blog series Colorado DUI Costs: Here’s How Much a DUI Can Cost You, here, we will wrap up our look at how expensive getting a Colorado DUI can be. Colorado DUI Costs: Additional Costs Up until this point, we’ve highlighted the specific court and administrative Colorado DUI costs people may have to cover […]

Colorado DUI Costs: Here’s How Much a DUI Can Cost You (Pt. 2)
February 20, 2015

Resuming Colorado DUI Costs: Here’s How Much a DUI Can Cost You (Pt. 1), here, we will continue pointing out some of the specific expenses that people have to deal with when they have been convicted of drunk driving in Colorado. Keep in mind, the Colorado DUI costs discussed herein are based on a first-time […]

Colorado DUI Costs: Here’s How Much a DUI Can Cost You (Pt. 1)
February 16, 2015

DUIs can be as expensive as they may be stressful and embarrassing, and the trend seems to be that Colorado DUI costs are continually increasing. To give you a clearer understanding of just what a DUI conviction can cost you, in this blog series, we will take a closer look at the various types of […]