The Boulder County District Attorney’s office appears to be struggling to file any charges in a car accident caused by teenage in which two people in another vehicle died.1 Coming under public pressure, Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett says he expects his department to disclose one way or another whether charges will be filed […]
If you’ve never been convicted of a driving-under-the-influence of alcohol (DUI) or drug (DUID) related charge before, but sudden wake up with a banging hangover in a jail cell or detox center, you’ll experience many emotions such as confusion, extreme guilt, and remorse. Probably the last thing on your mind will be the latest part […]
A month ago, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) partnered up to put on a Power of Parents workshop aimed at informing parents on tools to use to education their kids on the dangers of underage drinking and conveying that kids should never get in a car with a drunk […]
A DUI arrest can be upsetting, frustrating and maybe even embarrassing. Although it can be easy to feel alone – and like the world is against you – after you’re arrested for a DUI, please remember that: You have rights, and you are innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law. An arrest […]
Missing a court date for your DUI case can have a number of consequences. Understanding what these can be – and what you can do to mitigate them – can be the key to avoiding additional challenges and penalties. And that, in turn, can be integral to bringing your DUI case to the best possible […]
Just over a year ago, the new felony DUI law in Colorado went into effect. This has allowed authorities in the state to file Class 4 felony charges against any motorist who has at least three prior DUI convictions on their criminal record (regardless of whether those convictions occurred in another state and/or how long […]
Yes, alternative penalties and sentencing can be available in some DUI cases, depending on the circumstances of that case (as well as a driver’s criminal record). When available, these alternatives can significantly reduce the impacts of DUI penalties, potentially allowing people to save money, time and stress in resolving their DUI cases. Below, we have […]
Colorado DUI charges can be filed against any driver in the state when there is probable cause (and sufficient evidence) to believe that person operated a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol and/or drugs. Being pulled over and arrested for an alleged DUI, however, does not only occur when people are driving passenger vehicles. It […]
Police reports can a central part of DUI cases, as they can provide important insight regarding what happened before, during and immediately after a DUI stop. Reveal more about just how these reports can impact a DUI defense case, below, we have dispelled some of the most common myths about DUI police reports. While the […]
Today, officials at the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be putting on a “slow-speed chase” at Civic Center Park and Fiddler’s Green Amphitheater to showcase the impacts of driving after using marijuana. According to CDOT, the mock chase, which is part of the ongoing Drive High, Get a DUI campaign, has been scheduled to […]